Over the past 20 years I've taught countless art and arts related workshops, from encaustic workshops, to Painting level 2 at Algoma University College, to 10 foot tall puppet workshops, to creative writing and poetry, and so on. I'm an adaptable and resourceful teacher who's committed to supporting the artist in the students I work with.

I think in some ways that you can't really teach art, but you can certainly as a teacher create situations to support an artist's learning. I think there's a lot to be said for the teaching that can happen just by working side by side.

I love to teach workshops as a way of amplifying the impact of an art show I'm bringing to a community.

My 100 Dresses painting projects include an opportunity for the public to paint alongside me and even take part in the show.

I've undertaken major mural projects with schools, using glazing techniques in acrylics, building colour up in layers and learning about it that way. You can see murals like this, which I've undertaken collaboratively with students, on Whitehorse Elementary school.